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v3 Trading Leagues
v3 Trading Leagues

Trading Leagues FAQ

Lawrence Chiu avatar
Written by Lawrence Chiu
Updated over a week ago

As of January 31, 2024, no further prizes will be offered in connection with the Trading Leagues. Promotion to the next highest tier or any ranking on the applicable leaderboard does not result in your receipt of any prizes. You can find the official rules for the Trading Leagues here.

What is Trading Leagues?

Trading Leagues is a first of its kind product that enhances the trading experience. While many traders are familiar with one-off trading competitions run on exchanges across the industry, Trading Leagues is a new type of competition structure that rewards elevated performance on a consistent basis.

Traders compete with each other on a weekly basis, where each week is a new “season,” with the opportunity to be promoted or demoted each season depending on performance.

What are the entry requirements for each league?

When does each season start and end?

Seasons start and end on Tuesday 15:00 UTC each week (snapshot times are +/- 5 minutes). Traders will be automatically promoted or demoted based on the criteria above.

How do I enter dYdX Trading Leagues?

As long as you meet the eligibility requirements, your account will be automatically included in the corresponding league.

How are traders ranked?

All traders will be ranked via their Percent PNL each week. The formula for calculating Percent PNL can be found here.

Where do I hold DYDX or stkDYDX?

Simply hold DYDX or stkDYDX on Ethereum in the wallet associated with your dYdX account.

How long do I need to hold DYDX or stkDYDX?

For Gold, Platinum, and Diamond leagues, entrants will need to hold at least 100 tokens when the snapshot is taken at the beginning of each season. If a user is below the entry requirements when the snapshot is taken, the user will be demoted.

Can I have open positions prior to the start of the competition?

Yes, as long as the total equity of your account is greater than or equal to the Minimum Starting Balance of your league. Your Percent PNL (strictly for the purposes of rank) will be reset at the beginning of the season.

How many leagues will exist on the launch date (January 25, 2022)?

Just one (Bronze). Traders will have to work their way up each week to get promoted. dYdX will launch a new league each week until the Diamond league has been launched.

Can I enter the Bronze league in the middle of a season?

No, traders can only enter the Bronze league at the start of the next season.

What happens if I don’t meet the eligibility requirements at the start of a season?

Users will be demoted to the league they meet the entry requirements for.

What is the Daily League?

Each day, the Daily League will rank all traders based off of their percent PNL. The Daily League is unaffiliated with the rest of the leagues, as it relates to promotions/demotions.

How do demotions work?

If a user gets demoted, they will drop to the league they are eligible to be in, accounting for the eligibility requirements of each league.

As an example, a user in Diamond can get demoted to Bronze if the user does not have a high enough equity balance when the snapshot is taken to commence the next season. Similarly, a user in Diamond can get demoted to Silver if their DYDX/stkDYDX balance is below the minimum threshold.

User has made trades and is slotted for promotion:

User has minimum equity requirements of next league

User does not have minimum equity requirements of next league, but meets requirements of current league

User does not have minimum equity requirements of current league

User has kept DYDX requirements

Promoted 1 tier

Stays in same league

Demoted to highest eligible tier

User has not kept DYDX requirements

Demoted to highest eligible tier

Demoted to highest eligible tier

Demoted to highest eligible tier

User has made trades and is slotted to stay in the same league:

User has minimum equity requirements of current league

User does not have minimum equity requirements of current league

User does not have minimum equity requirements of any league

User has kept DYDX requirements

Stays in same league

Demoted to highest eligible tier

Demoted to no tier, they will have to wait out the season to enter Bronze

User has not kept DYDX requirements

Demoted to highest eligible tier

Demoted to highest eligible tier

Demoted to no tier, they will have to wait out the season to enter Bronze

User has trades and is slotted for demotion:

User has minimum equity requirements of next league

User does not have minimum equity requirements of next league

User does not have minimum equity requirements of any league

User has kept DYDX requirements

Demoted to highest eligible tier

Demoted to highest eligible tier

Demoted to no tier, they will have to wait out the season to enter Bronze

User has not kept DYDX requirements

Demoted to highest eligible tier

Demoted to highest eligible tier

Demoted to no tier, they will have to wait out the season to enter Bronze

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